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The Ministry Of Foreing Affairs Of Denmark Denmark in Iran

Ministry of foreign affairs of Denmark Denmark in Iran

MitID for Foreigners and Danes abroad

Now it has become easier to get a MitID if you are Dane and live abroad or if you are a foreigner and have a connection to Denmark.

In June 2022, a new function in the MitID app made it possible to create a MitID directly in the MitID app if you had a valid Danish, Greenlandic or Faroese passport. The function has been updated so you can also use foreign passports or ID cards with a chip to create MitID directly in the app.

Readmore about getting a MitID

Consequently, it should be easier to create a MitID if you live abroad, need a MitID, but do not have a valid Danish passport.

All you will need is a valid passport/ID card and access to a phone that can scan the chip: an iPhone 7 or above or a newer Android phone.

Readmore about passport/ID card requirements

You will continue to be able to use NemID for all public self-service solutions until NemID finally closes on 30 June 2023.

Check your banknotes

Some of them will no longer be legal tender after 31 May 2025